Saturday, February 16, 2013

Getting Started

Getting Started

Yesterday and today have been absolutely gorgeous here in Madrid, and with the arrival of the sun, I’ve decided to wake up a bit and start a blog.

So as I type this I’m listening to some wonderful Spanish opera music – not my favorite, but no longer really annoying – as my host mother has quite the taste for opera or the top forty radio station; an interesting combination.

My host family here is pretty cool. I have a host mother (Immaculada) and a host sister (Almudena) who’s 24 and works full time so I see her every once and a while. My host mother has two other sons who are older and live with their own families – one of whom I’ve met and has baby who turns my host mother into a coo-ing machine. We live in an apartment like most people in Madrid do, which is quite nice and where I have my own room and bathroom. If you guys want to google-map the building you can type in: C/ Antonio Robles 4 - 2º C – 28034, Madrid. The building is right next to Hospital Ramon y Cajal.

Now that I’ve been here a while I have somewhat of a regular weekly routine down. Mondays and Wednesdays I work at my internship at Fundación Cives (an NGO that promotes citizenship and education); Tuesdays I have class “Spain and the European Union” 10-2 and “Spain Seminar: History and Culture” from 3-7; Thursdays I have my favorite class “Spanish Literature and Film” from 10-2; and Fridays I have the other session of “Spain Seminar: History and Culture” which is normally a “paseo” class – meaning we get lectured as we walk around parts of the city or visit a museum.
Some of the highlights of the paseos have been the Sorolla Museum (painter Sorolla’s house turned museum with a lot of his works - an example below) and the Egyptian Temple donated to the city of Madrid.

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